The road towards virtual reality is still long and there are a lot of things that should happen in order to be able to develop a good relation with all those new aspects related to technology.
I feel that if the people are going to first use in a way or another software solutions related to the virtual reality and not to put those glasses directly on their heads, then I am very sure that there are going to be some very nice adoption rates as the shock of adopting the high end technology will be not as high as in a direct adoption of virtual and augmented reality.
The first steps regarding virtual reality in marketing were in fact related to virtual tour software solutions, that dah a very nice applicability in the presentation industry with great adoption rate in the real estate area and also regarding to presentation of different places for touristic reason (for instance museums, certain destinations and so on).
Now with this kind of technology it can be as easy as 1 2 3 to travel anywhere on the planet, to trick your eyes (and possibly in the future your other senses as well that you are in some strange areas) or that you are in the center of a certain museum.
Our minds will be somehow tricked by this technology and we re going to enjoy it, as it will be pushed in the mainstream soon enough.
Some of the early technology solutions that can be acquired are:
- Oculus Rift
- HTC Vive
...and also some other simpler solutions developed for smartphones.